Chi è stato in un paese di lingua spagnola avrà notato che i termini “calle”, “avenida” e “plaza” sono l’equivalente di “via”, “viale e “piazza” della toponomastica italiana: sono le denominazioni stradali generiche. Ma esistono molti altri termini come “bulevar”, “callejón”, “corredera”, “rambla”: che cosa significano, da dove derivano e quali sono le differenze?
“Bargniff” and friends: a short bestiary of Lombard folklore
The figures of the Italian folklore are no way inferior to those in Ireland, both in number and variety; even in Lombardia we have a fair amount of such. If is true that elves and goblins are scarce, although not entirely absent, however we find in abundance chimerical beasts, ghosts, various devils and witches.
Is Bishop Rock the smallest island in the world?
1861. The British administration, for technical and bureaucratic reasons, decided to fix the limit between “island ” and ” rock ” stating that an island, if uninhabited, must have enough room to ensure the «summer pasturage of at least one sheep»; this latter condition would be met, according to the bureaucrats, by having an area of at least two acres. So, hired the sheep as the measure unit, the smallest island in the world turn out to be Bishop Rock in the Scilly. This story is pretty famous, but there’s something that doesn’t add up.