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Spanish street types

In Toponymy by Silvio DellʼAcqua

Chi è stato in un paese di lingua spagnola avrà notato che i termini “calle”, “avenida” e “plaza” sono l’equivalente di “via”, “viale e “piazza” della toponomastica italiana: sono le denominazioni stradali generiche. Ma esistono molti altri termini come “bulevar”, “callejón”, “corredera”, “rambla”: che cosa significano, da dove derivano e quali sono le differenze?

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Street types

In Toponymy by Silvio DellʼAcqua

What’s the differences between street and road, but also avenue boulevard, esplanade, place… and likes: the 100+ street types in English!

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Italian street types

In Toponymy by Silvio DellʼAcqua

In Italy the streets are called “via”, and the squares “piazza”. But we can find also “largo”, “corso”, “vicolo”, “bastioni”, “chiasso”, “gradinata”, “mura”, “tresanda”… did youn know that there are more than 300 street types in Italy?