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Brežnev at Komsomol convention, 1974

In by Silvio DellʼAcqua

Leonid Brezhnev (1906 – 1982) signs autographs during the convention of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (“Komsomol”), in the Kremlin Palace (Moscow) 24th – 30th April 1974. At that time, the league counted 34 millions members among Soviet youths (source: Novost agency). (photo: URSS 75 yearbook © 1975 Novosti news agency, Moscow – personal collection)

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Moscow, Kalinin Prospekt in 1975

In by Silvio DellʼAcqua

Moscow in 1975: Kalinin Prospekt was the main avenue that runs through the Arbat District. The term Prospekt indicates is a broad, multi-lane and very long straightstreet in urban areas; it is often translated as “avenue”. Back that, Moscow population was 7 635 000 (source: Novosti). Some Moskwitch series 400 (403 – 407) are parked beside the road. Since 1990 this avenue has been known as “New Arbat”. (photo: © …